#CoverCrush: chemistry lessons

I will freely admit that I judge books by their covers. The cover is usually what first captures my attention when browsing Goodreads or Netgalley. Actually, in all honesty, it isn't just usually, it's pretty much all the time. The cover determines if I look at the synopsis and reviews.

How could you not like this cover? The colors are bright and vivid. The heart-shaped drops splashing into the pink liquid. The faded elemental table. I think it's a YA-themed novel, but I have no idea what it is about. I could theorize that it's likely a romance, probably between some science-loving teens? Who knows. I'd pick it up simply because of this cover. So clever.

What about you? Any book covers capture your attention this week?

Cover Crush is a weekly series that originated with Erin at Flashlight Commentary. If you want to check out some other terrific bloggers and what their Cover Crush posts look like, you can do that here: The Maiden's CourtFlashlight CommentaryA Bookaholic SwedeLayered Pages, A Literary Vacation, Of Quills and Vellum.
