Books I Have Forgotten

Each month I revisit some of my past reviews. One of the reasons I started this book blog was to remember what books I have read. My memory isn't the greatest anymore and I found that I would read a book and then not remember if I liked it or what it was even about.

Maybe one of these will prompt you to seek out an older, but amazing book. Or, if you've read one of these and your review was different, please share!


The Lady's Slipper
2/5 Stars

"This one sounds so good, and from an historical standpoint it is. It's a fascinating account of England in the 17th century as it recovers from Oliver Cromwell's parliamentary rule. The novel also explores the origins and establishment of the Quaker religion. I thought that using a rare flower as a main plot device was certainly unique and unusual and was one reason I was drawn to the book. The writing is lyrical and the descriptions vivid.

However, the story itself was simply not something that ultimately appealed to me. I didn't really care for the characters and found myself more annoyed than enthralled. This isn't a fast read, it's more of an ambitious one that can hamper a reader's enjoyment. The sex scenes were unexpected, unnecessary and quite vulgar in their descriptions.

I found the religious aspect fascinating, especially the lengths one character went to in order to become a Quaker and the ease with which another ultimately disregarded his Quaker faith."

Apparently I didn't love it.

A Billion Reasons Why by Kristin Billerbeck
3/5 Stars

"A cute story, nothing stellar, but laugh out loud funny in parts and completely entertaining. Katie is spunky, Luc is charming, Dexter is completely unbelievable and Eileen is a kick. Predictable and implausible and in serious need of a good edit, this is still a light and entertaining read. True chick-lit, light on everything and a nice diversion. I read in in a couple of hours.

This is the first Kristin Billerbeck story I've read and I can see myself reading some more, simply for the sheer entertainment value."

Apparently I liked it. Bummer, because I remember nothing about it.

Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones
4/5 Stars

"This was, quite simply, a fun book to read. A bit far-fetched, but honestly laugh-out loud funny. It's a nice diversion. I didn't like Lucy right away, but she grew on me. I loved that her job involved working with at-risk girls who had graduated out of foster care. When her non-profit funding is cut, she finds herself accepting an unusual proposition. Can she commit to it and follow-through or will she finally listen to God and let her heart take over?

While a classic chick-lit novel, it's not quite as light as one would think. The Christian overtones are strong and the lessons learned include forgiving ones self and turning your life over to God.

Loved the characterizations and Julian, especially, was a total kick. Clare grew on me as well and I loved the interactions between the two. Predictable, but with a sweet ending, this is an enjoyable diversion and one that was fun to read.

Minor peeve: While I loved the shout out to Science Fiction/Fantasy fans, and especially the reference to Doctor Who, I have to complain that real fans won't call it Dr. Who like it was used here, they use the whole word Doctor... and it would have been neat to have a real reference to show that Lucy really did know the show...such as which series/doctor was on the DVD set in her bag."

Man. Wish I remembered it. Sounds fun!


What about you? What are some of the books you've read in previous years?
