#CoverCrush: How to Find Love in a Bookshop

I will freely admit that I judge books by their covers. The cover is usually what first captures my attention when browsing Goodreads or Netgalley. Actually, in all honesty, it isn't just usually, it's pretty much all the time. The cover determines if I look at the synopsis and reviews.

The title is enough to make me love this cover. But, truly, how can you not like this? The drawing is quaint and the scene idyllic. I can picture myself standing on the street in a quintessential English village, gazing into the bright, inviting window of the bookshop, savoring the moment I walk through the door.

What about you? Any book covers capture your attention this week?

Cover Crush is a weekly series that originated with Erin at Flashlight Commentary. If you want to check out some other terrific bloggers and what their Cover Crush posts look like, you can do that here: The Maiden's Court, Flashlight Commentary, A Bookaholic SwedeLayered PagesindieBRAG.


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