Little House in the Ozarks: The Rediscovered Writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder...Review

About the book:
A collection of more than 140 articles on an array of topics, from the boring task of baking bread and the need to conserve natural resources, to the changes motor cars brought to her small town and role of the women in the work force and politics, sparkles with Wilder's timeless wit and wisdom.

 It was a beautiful day when I walked into my local bookstore and discovered this gem. Much like many other children, I grew up with a love of the Little House books. I was thrilled to discover that Laura's writings hadn't ended and actually hadn't even begun with her Little House books.

This is a compilation of newspaper columns she wrote for a rural newspaper in Missouri from 1911-1925. They are entertaining, and full of good old common sense. Laura is a firm believer in marriage being an equal partnership. She discusses farm life and politics; literacy and the importance of hard work.

You don't need to read it all at one sitting. Just read one or two columns at a time. It's thought-provoking and so many of the issues she writes about are still so relevant for our time today.

I read my personal copy, but you can purchase your own here.

Last read 2006

* * * * *
4/5 Stars


  1. What a wonderful find. I loved all the Little House books as a child, but never knew she had written in other formats.

    I've enjoyed browsing around your blog, and plan on returning soon to see what else you have to share about books...


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